HCA Lunch Program

Welcome to the Hoboken Catholic Academy Lunch Program for the 2023-2024 school year!

This page will be all the information you need regarding our cafeteria.

Lunch menus will be sent out via email blast around the 2nd week of each month (pending on holiday schedules).  Please print your menu at home, circle your selections and return it in your child’s folder by the due date listed at the top of the page.  Please be very clear when making your selections, as some days have the choice of one or two items.  If a menu is sent into the office with no payment, it will be held and not recorded until payment is received.  Because we work closely with local vendors and we have an ordering deadline, no late menus will be accepted after the due date listed.  Payment can be made with cash or by check, payable to Hoboken Catholic Academy.

No refunds will be given for absences or at the end of the year.  Prices per day are listed on the menus.  Snacks are purchased in person and not in advance.  Prices range from .75 to $2.00, depending on what is available.  Your child may also purchase snacks from the vending machine available during lunch periods in the gym.  No bills larger than $20.00 will be accepted for snack purchases.

To celebrate your child’s birthday in class, we offer two options.  Vanilla cookies with rainbow sprinkles ($1 per cookie) or birthday cake ice cream cones ($2 per cone).  The cafeteria will need ONE WEEK notice to place the ice cream order and to schedule baking.   We cannot accommodate “day of” orders for birthdays.  To place an order, please email me directly at mbloor@hobokencatholic.org.  Once your order is placed, please send payment the next business day.

If you have any questions regarding any of the above or the cafeteria in general, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.

Thank you and enjoy the school year!